Department of French language and literature

March 1, 2025

Zoirova Aziza Ibragimovna

Head of the department of French language and literature,
doctor of philosophy in philology

Phone: +998 90 518-27-27

Reception days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Since 2019, A. Zoirova has been working as the head of the department of French language and literature.
A. Zoirova established cooperative relations with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan and the Alliance Française Institute, paying special attention to strengthening international cooperation.
In 2013, she took part in a competition organized by the French Embassy and received a grant from the SLA training center at the University of Besançon, France.
In 2016, A. Zoirova was awarded the prestigious Order of the Academic Palms of France.
In July 2017, A. Zoirova improved her qualifications at Shenyang University of China on the basis of a grant.
In 2018, as a scholarship recipient of the Istedod Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, she completed a 3-month scientific internship at the InstitutdeTouraine " in Tours, France.
In July 2022, A. Zoirova , as the winner of a competition organized by the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, improved her qualifications at a training seminar on the didactics of teaching French as a foreign language, organized under the “ Francophonie ” program at the université Côte d'Azur in Nice.
In 2022, A. Zoirova underwent an internship using the methodology of the FLE and DALF C1 courses at the Accent InstituteFrançais " in Montpellier , France.
On 26 August 2022, she received the DALF C1 international diploma after successfully passing the CECR international language proficiency test at the Montpellier Academy .
From July 3 to July 14, 2023, the head of the department of “French Language and Literature”, Doctor of Philosophy of Philological Sciences A. Zoirova, improved her qualifications at the University of the Cote d'Azur in Nice, France, at the following address: modules:
o Creativity, or learning to communicate differently
o Improve oral practice in FLE classes
o ANL, learning to read and write
o Develop the oral skills of beginning learners using concepts from the Neurolinguistic Approach (ANL)
Under her leadership, students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages studying French take prizes at the republican stage of Olympiads in natural sciences and “ Francophonie ” competitions organized by the French Embassy.
Under the leadership of A. Zoirova , talented students of the French language department became laureates of state scholarships and prestigious international competitions.
A. Zoirova is the author of more than 70 scientific and educational works.
In  January 7, 2023 at the Academic Council of Academic Degrees of Bukhara State University on the topic “ Gynocritical study of the translation of works of French feminist writers (using the example of the works of George Sand and Germaine de Staël)” 10.00 .06 “Comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation studies ” in the field of philological sciences, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in philological sciences.
For worthy contribution to the development of science and education of the younger generation as highly qualified personnel A. Zoirovaawarded the commemorative sign “30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in 2021.
In 2023 A. Zoirova awarded by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev the Order “For a Healthy Generation”, 2nd degree.

History of the department

The Department of French Language began its activities at Karshi State University in the 2001-2002 academic year.

Since February 2014, it was reorganized into the department of “French Language and Literature” under the leadership of senior teacher Koshaeva G.A. Since 2019, Associate Professor Zoirova A.A. has been working as the head of the department.

The department employs 3 doctors of science, a professor, 2 candidates of science, an associate professor, 4 senior teachers and 6 assistants. Scientific potential - 40%.

Professors and teachers of the department are constantly working to improve their scientific potential and qualifications. They participated in prestigious competitions announced by our republic and foreign countries in different years, and improved their qualifications at leading universities in foreign countries as grant winners. For example, G. Koshaeva at the Shanghai University of China and the Mugelsee Educational Center in Germany , K. Baratova at the Shanghai University of China , T. Shermatova , Kh . the CEMEA center in different years, the SLA Besançon educational center, the Chinese Shenyang Normal University, the French Tour « InstitutdeTouraine ", universities of Nice "Côte d'Azur".

In 2001, Mr. Claude Richard, the French Ambassador to Uzbekistan, visited our university, and, Mr. Francois Gautier , the French Ambassador to Uzbekistan visited our university on May 20, 2013.

On May 20-24, 2013, Karshi State University, together with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, for the first time organized a 25-hour training seminar on the use of advanced pedagogical technologies in French lessons. About 100 French language specialists working in educational institutions of our republic took part in the seminar training. The training was conducted by a group of experts invited from prestigious French educational institutions.

In 2016, our talented students F. Mustafagulov , M. Murodova and D. Jabborova actively participated and won.

In  2016, with the senior teacher of the department Zoirova A.A. was awarded the Order of the Academic Palm by the French state.

In March 2023, A. Zo irova was awarded by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's Order of the second degree "For a Healthy Generation".

 4th year student of the French language course . Mustafakulov took part in the competition within the framework of the BGF - the French state educational scholarship program under the guidance of senior teacher A. Zoirova and won the right to receive a free master's education in France.

Professors and teachers of the department have published several textbooks and manuals. Including the textbook “French Language” for 1st level students of the academic lyceum, associate professors Zoirova A. and Yarmanov F., the textbook “French Language Grammar”, the textbook “French Language Method” for undergraduate students , senior teacher of the department N. ZhorakhobilovaPratiquephonetiquefrançais ", " Grammairepratique : tempsetmode ", "Theory and practice of translation", teacher of the department Khamzaev Kh., textbooks " Production" were published oraleetecrite ."Together with the department of “French language and literature” of Karshi State University, “Current issues of philological science” at the department of “French language and literature” of Karshi State University are aimed at implementing the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-1875 on “Measures to further improve the system of teaching foreign languages" A republican scientific conference of articles was held and a periodical collection (6 books) was published.

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 No. PQ-2909 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”, on October 28-31, 2019, experts from the language center “ Accent”français " in Montpellier , France, Celine Ruzafa , Audre Alter, Audrey Holter ) organized a training seminar on the topic "Methods of teaching French as a foreign language" for professors and teachers of the French language department and students of the French language department.

In 2019, the senior teacher of the department F. Yarmanov received a certificate as an examiner-corrector at an intensive training course organized by the French Embassy. Also, 1 teacher of the department ( Zorova A.) received an international diploma DALF (C1) in CECR, and another 5 teachers of the department ( Zhorakobilova Kh . , Khamzaev Kh., Yarmanov F., Miyasarov E., Kasimov K. ) have certificates about the level of knowledge of a foreign language (national C1).

3rd year student G. Azamova, under the guidance of associate professor of the department A. Zoirova, was awarded a state scholarship named after Islam Karimov. About 30 students of the Department of French Language and Literature successfully participated in various Olympiads and won certificates. On March 2, 2020, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Francophonie , 3rd year student G. Azamova took 1st place in the republican dictation competition in French, organized in collaboration with the Tashkent French Alliance and the embassies of partner countries of the International Organization of Francophonie and had the opportunity to pass 2- one-week training in educational CAVILAM Center in Nice, France.

In the 2019-2024 academic year, professors of the department published more than 100 scientific articles and dissertations, published 3 textbooks and 5 teaching aids.

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev at the meeting of video selectors held on August 23, 2019, and the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan No. 805 dated September 7, 2019, the Romano-Germanic Faculty of Karshi State University "French language and literature" In order to improve the quality of the educational process in 68 secondary schools of the Kitab region, provide methodological support and organize master classes, professors and teachers of the department visit this educational institution every month on a schedule.

In addition, the department of “French Language and Literature” holds various charity events for children of the 4th “ Orphanage” in Kamashi district, and also regularly conducts various round tables and master classes on the importance of knowledge of foreign languages.

The “Department of French Language and Literature”, in the framework of cooperation with the 1st Academic Lyceum of Karshi State University and the Karshi Specialized Primary Dance Boarding School, in addition to organizing various events, carries out effective work to enrich the “Information Resource Center” of the lyceum with a variety of literature.

Including  a branch of the Department of French Language and Literature of Karshi State University was opened in the 71st secondary school, located in the Yangi Batosh microdistrict of the Karshi district .

On April 28, 2021, as part of mutual cooperation initiated by the rector of Karshi State University D. Nabiyev , the French Embassy in Uzbekistan invited the Department of French Language and Literature of Karshi State University to improve the status of the French language .in the Kashkadarya region to familiarize students studying French with the culture of the country where the language is being studied, and for them to actively participate in the formation of oral speech skills at a high level, 25 units of the latest modern educational and methodological literature, video and audio cassettes published in France, serving to improve the quality and efficiency of education in teaching French as a foreign language in the amount of 471.53 euros.

In addition, On the initiative of Professor D. Nabiyev, the rector of Karshi State University, an agreement on cooperation was signed between the center of language and culture "Alliance Française " at the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, and it was also decided to create a branch of this center at the department of French language and literature and invite a French volunteer intern with the goal of improving the knowledge and skills of language students in the future.

May 6, 2021, chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the topic “Improving the system of teaching foreign languages”, based on the tasks set at the meeting of video selectors , in order to ensure the implementation of measures on current issues of higher education institutions, within the framework of cooperation Paul Valéry FLE University, Montpellier , France Ms. ZhangXinyu , Master 1 trainee with DALF C2 level of the department, taught the course “International DELF, DALF levels of foreign language proficiency” by CECR to professors and students of the French department online through the ZOOM program.

French Institute " Accent"français ", the University "Côte d'Azur", the organization " Francophonie " and Karshi State University have entered into an agreement on mutual cooperation, within the framework of which the exchange of professors and short-term internships are carried out. .

In 2022, the head of the department of “French Language and Literature” A. Zoirova improved her qualifications at the University of the Cote d'Azur in Nice, France, based on the didactics of teaching French as a foreign language, consisting of 162 hours, organized according to program " Francophonie ".

In 2023, Associate Professor at the National University of Uzbekistan. Under the guidance of Shirinova, A. R. Zo irova defended her dissertation on the topic “ A gynocritic study of the translation of works of French feminist writers (using the example of the translation of the works of George Sand and Germine de Staël) and received a

From July 3 to July 14, 2023, the head of the department of French Language and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, A. Zorova , improved her qualifications at the University of the Côte d'Azur in Nice, France.

On November 9-11, 2023, the Department of French Language and Literature of Karshi State University was visited by Shen Maxim, coordinator of international cultural missions of the Alliance Center for Language and CultureFrançaise at the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, and Théo Gardeslar , is responsible for the development of communications and international cultural relations.

The dialogue, organized with the participation of French experts, was attended by professors and teachers of the Department of French Language and Literature, and students of the French language course. At the meeting, lectures were given on the topic “Intercultural Competence”. In addition, master classes for professors and in-depth training on the international DALF C1 exams were held. During the visit, French specialists met with the vice-rector for academic affairs of the university A. Kholmurodov , the head of the international relations department D. Musaeva  reached agreements regarding the establishment of mutual exchange of students and teachers, the organization of scientific internships and the development of joint projects within the framework of cooperation. Bilateral agreements ended with the signing of a cooperation agreement.

Department 5120100 – Philology and teaching of languages ( Faronic language), 2021-2022 academic year 60230100 – Philology and teaching of languages ( Faronic language) prepares students for reading. Currently, 175 students are studying in this area. More than 750 students study French as a foreign language, and more than 300 students of other specialties study in a foreign language. Under the patronage of Rector D. Nabiev, a master’s program was also organized for the 2021-2022 academic year.

20 On October 22, 2013, the opening of the “Civic Service Project” of the French Ministry of Higher Education against public universities took place. Translations into French. Translations of the language of the universities of Clermont -Auvergne. In the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the French language specialty will undergo training in the development of oral speech, familiarization with the culture and history of the country where the language is being studied, learning a foreign language, and preparing for exams.

Additionally, in collaboration with the Campus agency of France , located at the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, provides information to graduate students about admission to French higher education institutions for bachelor's , master's and doctoral studies.

“The Constitution is mine, yours, ours. The Constitution is ours! A massive propaganda event was organized under this slogan. Aziza Zoirova , head of the Department of French Language and Literature at Karshi State University, acted as a speaker at this promotional event, emphasizing that each article of the new version of the Constitution serves human dignity, and invited participants to actively participate in this event elections by referendum.

Scientific direction of the department: "French linguistics, literary studies and educational methodology".

Main tasks

The department trains personnel in the direction 5120100 - Philology and teaching languages (French), and from the 2021-2022 academic year in the direction 60230100 - Philology and teaching languages (French). From the 2021-2022 academic year, a master's program has also been established.

Taught subjects


  • Reading and writing practice
  • Linguistics
  • Literary studies
  • World literature
  • Country studies
  • Integrated course of teaching foreign languages
  • Lexicology and stylistics
  • History of literature of the country where the language is being studied
  • Theoretical grammar and phonetics.
  • Language teaching methodology and educational technologies
  • Language theory
  • Intercultural communication in foreign language teaching
  • History of the studied language
  • Practical grammar
  • Practical phonetics
  • Introduction to the philology of the language under study
  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Second foreign language
  • French (Interfaculty)

Master's Degree (Linguistics)

  • Methodology of teaching special subjects
  • Modern linguistics
  • Scientific and professional education
  • Methods of linguistic analysis
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Text linguistics
  • Supervision of master's work
  • Practical foreign language

Scientific works

The department of "French language and literature" annually holds a republic-wide conference of scientific articles "Current issues of philological science" and publishes a periodical collection. In total, more than 100 articles and theses were published by the professors-teachers of the department, of which more than 30 scientific articles were published in international and OAK-owned journals, several articles, theses were published in textbooks, 1 textbook, 7 SCOPUS were published by the professors-teachers of the department. base scientific journals, 10 international, 15 scientific articles were published in journals under the control of OAK, and 35 articles were published at various national conferences.


Hamzayev Hasan Rajabboyevich. "Classification of Tourism Terms". Scientific supervisor is associate professor G. Rahimova
Miyassarov Eldor Amanovich. "The Representation of Oriental Calorites in Voltaire's Zadig". Scientific leader is professor A. Mamatov.
Kasimov Kamal. "Permission and Prohibition Categories in French and Uzbek". Professor J. Yakubov.


1. Embassy of France in Uzbekistan
2. National University of Uzbekistan
3. Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
4. Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
5. Samarkand State Pedagogical University
6. 1st Academic Lyceum at Karshi State University
7. Boarding school of the specialized primary dance art school
8. General education school 71, located in "Yangi Batosh" neighborhood, Karshi district
9. "Alliance française" language and culture center under the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan
10. Paul Valery University of Montpellier, France
11. "Accent français" institute of the French state

Teachers of the department

  • Aziza Ibragimovna Zoirova – Head of Department, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
  • Philip Lucie Renée – Lecturer
  • Malohat Muhammadovna Jo‘rayeva – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
  • Muborak Hafizovna Hamidova – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
  • Obodon Istamovna Adizova – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
  • Faxriddin Yarmanov – Senior Lecturer, Acting Associate Professor
  • Klara Xolmanovna Baratova – Lecturer
  • Bonu Yusuf qizi Ashirova – Lecturer
  • Javohir Otabek o‘g‘li Nurullayev – Laboratory Supervisor
  • Guljahon Normahamatovna Yakubova – Laboratory Supervisor