Department of History of Uzbekistan

January 11, 2025

Turayeva Matluba Kholikulovna

Head of the department of History of Uzbekistan,
candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
Phone: +998 93 240-23-69
Reception days: monday-thursday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity


History of the department

The Chair of History of Uzbekistan was founded in 1993, in 1993-1997 it was headed by Professor O. Zhurakulov, in 1997-2006 –by Associate Professor N. Ismailov, in 2006-2013 - by Professor A. Choriev. 
In 2014, as a result of the amalgamation of the chair of the history of Uzbekistan and World history and archeology, The chair of history was created. On the basis of the order of the rector of Karshi State University No. 565-x dated December 3, 2018, the Chair of History of Uzbekistan was re-established on the basis of the Chair of History of the Faculty of Social Sciences. From December 3, 2018 to February 2020, the Chair was headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Khasanov, since March 2020, the position of the Head of the Chair has been held by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor M. Turaeva. 
Since 1993, in the Chair of History of Uzbekistan is being prepared bachelors in the direction 5120300 - History (by countries and regions). Taking into account the growing need for specialists in history in the social development of the region, the department trains historians both at the full-time department and personnel in the second specialty. 
In addition, the chair conducts training for the master's degree in History - 70220301 (according to areas and types of activity). Master's students take part and lecture at republican and international conferences and are published in scientific journals under the guidance of professors and teachers of the department.

Main tasks

In all compiled curricula in accordance with the GS (state educational standards) of higher education in all forms of education, it is dated:  
- lectures; 
- practical classes; 
- conducting laboratories and other types of training at a high theoretical, scientific, methodological and professional level. 
Managing of students' qualification practice, course projects, final qualification works, master's dissertations, implementation of measures for the implementation of rating control of students' knowledge assessment and conducting actions in the organization of independent works. 
Working out and submitting in accordance with the established procedure for the approval of curricula in all disciplines of the department, as well as the preparation of reviews and conclusions on curricula prepared by related departments; development of teaching aids on academic subjects, preparation of textbooks, methodological guidelines.  
Working with gifted students, preparing them for participation in Olympiads and competitions; organizing professional development of the teaching staff in accordance with the established procedure and ensuring their participation with reports at national and international scientific conferences.   
Conducting research work in accordance with the approved plan. Discussion of completed research works and implementation of their results into production, ensuring effective integration of educational science and production, management of research work of students;   attracting extra-budgetary funds together with budget, as well as in order to provide scientific and technical assistance, establishing communication with industrial, agricultural enterprises, cooperatives,  farmers and other entities.  
Monitoring and organization of regular contacts with graduates of higher education and interns-researchers of this department, development of international cooperation, international relations with scientific and educational institutions.

Taught subjects

History of Uzbekistan, Historical geography, New history of Uzbekistan, Museology, Archival science, History of culture and art of Uzbekistan, History of the statehood of Uzbekistan, History of Central Asian architecture, Historical local science, Source studies and historiography, Amir Temur and his role in world history, History of Kashkadarya oasis, The latest history of Uzbekistan for all non-specialist areas, The history of land and water relations in Uzbekistan, Cooperation between Uzbekistan and the countries of the world in the context of globalization, The history of Uzbekistan in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, The history of ambassadorial relations in Uzbekistan, The history of finance politic and money reform in Uzbekistan (1917-1991)

Scientific works

Khasanov Akram Muminovich defended his doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the topic "Specific features of the formation and development of cities in South Uzbekistan (in the case of the first half of the V-XIV centuries)", Normatov Sherzod Mirzaevich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Migration and ethnocultural processes in the south of Central Asia in the early Middle Ages", Karomov Gulom Hamitovich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "The establishment of health care in the Turkestan ASSR, USSR and USSR", Polvonov Kozim Naimovich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "History of the formation and development of cities in Kashkadarya region (1970-2016)", Tukhtaeva Rano Nortukhtaevna defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Monetary reforms of the Soviet government and the social life of the people of Uzbekistan (1917-1970)", Achilov Anvar Tuychievich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "The system of services on the Great Silk Road" (on the example of Central Asia), Turaev Shukhrat Rakhmanovich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Illumination of the history and culture of Central Asia in the works of medieval European tourists", Sulaymanova Sahiba Bohodirovna defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Management of the Western Turkic Khaganate in the Sughd Oasis", Kocharov Jamshid Qulnazarovich defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD ) on the topic "Political, economic and cultural life in the Bukhara oasis during the time of Amir Temur and the Timurids (70s of the 14th century - 15th century)", Mominov Usman Muhammad Oglu defended his doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Socio-economic and cultural processes in the city of Karshi in the second half of the 18th century - the beginning of the 20th century", Mamatova Mahfuza Bahriddinovna defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Tea and the Tea Road in history of the peoples of Uzbekistan", Jabbarova Ikbal Khojamuratovna defended her dissertation (PhD) on the topic "History of new land development and irrigation system in the Kashkadarya oasis (60-80s of XX century)".




Tajik Pedagogical University in Pandjikent

Teachers of the department