Painting and applied art

February 26, 2025

Turaev Elyor Isakovich

Head of the department of painting and applied arts,
associate professor
Phone: +998 97 968 99 98
Reception days: Monday, Wednesday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

2014-2019 Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, Karshi State University 

2019-2021 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, Karshi State University.                                                                

2021-2022 Head and Acting of the Department of Painting and Applied Arts of Karshi State University
2022 He is the head of the painting and applied arts department of Karshi State University.

History of the department

Department of Painting and Applied Arts was founded on the basis of the Department of Fine Arts and  Engineering Graphics in 23 september 2021.  

Main tasks

Formation and development of creative thinking of students by imparting knowledge of specialized subjects and honing practical skills is the main issue facing the department.

Taught subjects

1. Drawing
2. Painting
3. Composition
4. Materials science, painting techniques and technology
5. Basics of color composition
6. Anatomical drawing of a  human body
7. Sculpture
8. Miniature
9. Projection in computer
10. Projection in art ceramics
11. Work on objects in art ceramics
12. Small plastics
13. General history of fine arts
14. Methods of teaching applied arts
15. Arabic calligraphy
16. Types of ceramic decoration
17. Types of architectural decoration
19. Design - projection
20. Introduction to anthropometry and construction
21. Technology of making sewing items 
22. Composition and color in clothes 
23. Fundamentals of design methodology
24. Fashion illustration
25. History of modern fashion and styles
26. Dress making
27. Computer modeling of the design object

Scientific works

The department conducts research mainly in the following scientific areas:
1. Organization of painting and applied art subjects in specialized art schools based on modern pedagogical technologies. Research works are conducted in this scientific direction under the leadership of associate professor  E. Turaev.


The following individuals are conducting research for the specialty 17.00.04 and the PhD scientific degree:                    

Turaev Elyor Isokovich                                                                                              

Jabborov Erkin Xolliyevich                                                                                            

Mavlonov Ulug'bek Tursunaliyevich                                                                      

Ibragimov Rustam Qudratovich          


The department has well-established cooperation with specialized schools of art and culture, as well as Belgorod State University of the Russian Federation.

Teachers of the department

Turaev Elyor Isakovich 
Jabborov Erkin Khollievich 
Ibragimov Rustam Kudratovich 
Mavlanov Ulugbek Tursunalievich
Ubaydullaev Laziz Jalolovich 
Utaev Asror Khalimovich  
Sattorova Aziza Anvarovna 
Satorov Alisher Anvarovich 
Azimova Shoira Gfurovna 
Juraeva Mahira Ravshanovna.  
Ruziev Jonibek son of Ulugbek. 
Toraev Ilkhom son of Rakhim. 
Sayfullaeva Barno Bakhromovna. 
Abdurakhmanova Gulkhayo Ismailovna