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Ochilov Akram OdilovichHead of the department of Economy,
year 37
The department was organized in 1967 under the name "Political Economy". In 1992, the name of the department was changed: "Economic theory", and in 2021, "Economics". In the 2012-2013 academic year, the department accepted students in the direction 5231600 - "Economics and sociology of labor." In the 2023-2024 academic year, graduates of the last course of correspondence courses in this area of education are completing their studies. From the 2020-2021 academic year, the name and code of this direction was changed to 60411400 - "Human Resource Management", currently 74 students are studying in it. And from the 2021-2022 academic year, in full-time and part-time forms of education, the department is preparing bachelors in the direction of education. From the 2020-2021 academic year, undergraduates were admitted in the specialty 70411401 - “Human Resource Management”. In the 2022-2023 academic year, 8 undergraduates defended their master's theses, and currently 3 students are studying in the first year on a state budget basis.
The department is a component part of the structure of the higher educational institution (faculty), which carries out educational, educational, methodical, scientific, scientific and research work on one or several related disciplines, as well as the preparation of scientific and scientific-scientific teaching staff. Organizational, moral and educational activities are also carried out.
Undergraduate: Business and Entrepreneurship, Accounting and audit, Demographic Analysis, Demographics and human capital, Money and banks, investment analysis, Innovation economy, History of Economic Thought, Corporate Governance, Management, Marketing, Research methods and skills, Microeconomics, Micro and macroeconomics, World Economy and International Economic Relations, Macroeconomics, Small business and entrepreneurship,Taxes and taxation, Period of city development, Organization and management of labor, Fundamentals of Management, Entrepreneurship Fundamentals,Fundamentals of econometrics, Industry economics, Investment appraisal, Leadership development, Career Development, Human development
Statistics, Population statistics, Strategic reward system, Strategic planning, Strategic Human Resource Planning, Strategic management, Personnel Management, talent management, Human resource management, Sustainable development, Finance, Finance, banking and taxation, Digital economy, Human capital, Economics of industry, Economics of the labor market, Economics of the social sphere, labor economic, Economy of Uzbekistan, Economics of Human Resources economic security, Economic theory,Economic analysis and audit. Master's degree: Human capital analysis, Demographic Methods, Demography, Innovation management, Labor Market Infrastructure: Theory and Practice, HR management, New strategy and competitiveness, Modern technologies of human resource management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Human resources in public administration, Economics of the social sphere
The teaching staff, doctoral students and independent applicants of the department conduct scientific research in the areas of innovative economy. The results of scientific research are published in international and republican journals indexed on the basis of Web of Science, Scopus, as well as in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in collections of scientific, methodological and scientific-practical conferences.
In 2019, the associate professor of the department Ochilov A.O. awarded the degree of Doctor of Economics (DSc). In 2021 G. Nabiev and A. Kobilov, in 2022 S. Makhmudov, Z. Ernazarov and N. Shamsuddinov received a PhD degree in economics.
Currently, at the department in the basic doctoral studies, doctoral students are conducting research activities in the specialty 08.00.13 - "Management": Boratov B.S., Kadirov L. Kh., Anvarova L. Sh., Safarov Sh.S., Sattorov U .N., and in the specialty 08.00.12 - “Regional Economics”: Ismatullaev Zh.A., Shukurov U.Sh., Suyunov Zh.M., Yigitaliev I.Z. In addition, the department conducts scientific research as independent researchers as follows: acting. associate professor Juraev O.N., senior teacher Ostanova M.E., teachers Kholliev Sh.B., Khairutdinov Sh.B., trainee teachers Musurmonova M.O. and Khaidarova M.Sh. Based on the scientific direction of research, a scientific and methodological seminar operates at the department. The seminar is led by the head of the department, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.O. Ochilov.
Cooperation with universities of the world TOP-1000
- Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR, TOP-300, 295th place);
– Kazan Federal University (KFU, TOP-500, 326th place);
- St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great (TOP-500, 382nd place);
– St. Petersburg Mining University (TOP-1000, 401-450 place);
– Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanova (TOP-1000, 501-600th place);
– Don State Technical University (TOP-1000, 501-600 place);
– Southern Federal University (TOP-1000, 601-800 place);
– Novosibirsk State University (TOP-1000, 801-1000 place) Cooperation with other foreign and local (national) universities
– Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Uzbekistan);
– Belgorod State University (Russia);
– Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan);
– Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan);
– Gzhel State University (Russia);
– Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute (Uzbekistan);
– Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies (Uzbekistan);
– Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Uzbekistan);
– Kuban State University (Russia);
– International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan);
– International Westminster University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan);
– International Nordic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan);
– International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (Uzbekistan);
– National University of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan);
– Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan);
– Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service (Uzbekistan);
– Tashkent branch of Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (Uzbekistan);
– Tashkent branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Uzbekistan);
– Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan);
– Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan);
– Tashkent Financial University (Uzbekistan);
– Termez State University (Uzbekistan);
– Tuva State University (Russia).
Ochilov A.O. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department. Kochkarov G.F. - candidate of economic sciences, professor. Ostanov E. – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. Nabiyev G.A. - Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor, etc. In addition, 2 senior teachers O.N. Jorayev, M.E. Ostonova and 4 teachers SH. Holliyev, SH. Khayriddinov, M. Musurmonova, M. Khaydarova have been working since a year.