Pressing issues of uzbek texnology

March 3, 2025



In accordance with Appendix 1 of Order No. 490 issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 27, 2024, titled "On approving the plans for scientific and scientific-technical events to be held at the international and national scales in 2025," a republican scientific-practical conference on "Pressing issues of uzbek textology" will be held in Karshi State University organized by Department of Uzbek Classical Literature on October 10–11, 2025.

University teaching staff, doctoral students, independent researchers, master’s department students, undergraduate students, and scientists from scientific research institutions, both from prestigious universities within our country and abroad, are invited to participate in this event.


  • Issues in the textology of classical literature

  • Textological studies of modern Uzbek literature

  • Issues in researching the sources of jadid literature;

  • Challenges in studying the linguistic features of texts

Official Conference Languages: Uzbek, Turkish, Russian, and English.

Requirements for Conference Articles: Articles should be edited and formatted on A4 paper size using Microsoft Word in doc or docx format. The text should be in Times New Roman, font size 14, with an interval of 1.5. Articles written in Uzbek must be typed in the Latin alphabet. Margins should be set as follows: right: 15 mm, left: 30 mm, top and bottom: 20 mm.

The title of the article should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS on the first line. On the second line, the full name(s) of the author(s) and their higher education institution should be indicated. A brief abstract, consisting of 4-6 lines, must be included, written in the language of the article. Following the abstract, 5-8 keywords must be provided, after which the main body of the article should begin. The article must be at least 3 pages long. Bibliographic references (citations) within the text should be noted in square brackets, corresponding to the order of sources in the reference list. For example: [3, p. 72]. Articles that have not been edited by the organizing committee will not be returned to the authors. Additionally, articles that do not meet the conference requirements or are submitted after the specified deadline will not be included in the conference proceedings. Authors are required to pay a fee of 25,000 UZS per page for their article. Materials for participation in the conference must be edited and submitted in electronic format no later than September 30, 2025. Authors bear full responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in their articles and for the scientific and theoretical substantiation of their content.

Articles will be accepted at the Faculty of Philology, Karshi State University.

We believe that your participation will play a significant role in ensuring the success of the conference.

Address: Kuchabog 17, Karshi, Uzbekistan.
Responsible Department: Department of Uzbek Classical Literature.
Contact Numbers:      +998 97 382-21-31 (G‘iyosiddin Shodmonov), +998 90 721-48-08 (Umida Abdullayeva)  


Bank Card Number: 8600 5333 9931 5644  (G‘iyosiddin Shodmonov)