In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 27, 2024 No. 490 "On approval of plans for holding international and republican scientific and scientific-technical events in 2025" on May 16-17, 2025, at Karshi State University, the Department of Tourism and Marketing will hold an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic "DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND TOURISM MARKETING: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES AND GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES".
The conference will include the following sections:
The Impact of Digital Technologies on the tourism sector
Innovative Approaches in Tourism Marketing
Global Opportunities and Digital Collaboration in tourism sector
Ecology and Sustainability in Tourism Marketing
Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior
The conference will be attended by professors and specialists of foreign and domestic higher education institutions, research institutes, regional centers for retraining and advanced training of public educators, doctoral students, masters, talented students and specialists of the field working in the educational system.
Requirements and procedure for submission of scientific articles to the conference:
- articles must be in accordance with IMRAD requirements;
- abstracts in full size up to 3-6 pages in Microsoft Word, texts in Times New Roman 14-point font, 1.5 spacing, 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the right, top and bottom It is written with a gap of 2 cm. File names are named after the author's last name and branch number (for example: Karimov 2nd branch);
- the title of the thesis is written in capital letters (14 fonts), the next line contains the name of the author(s), place of work, academic degree or academic title, phone number, e-mail address. It is followed by an annotation and a keyword 1.5 intervals below. Keywords are followed by the text of the thesis (article) at the beginning of the paragraph, followed by a summary of the text, followed by references below. The complete list of references should be in alphabetical order (Name, Surname and Last name, title of the work, year and place of publication, name of the publisher, pages). References to the sources used in the text should be given as follows: [1, p. 50];
- theses and articles are submitted in electronic form and conference proceedings are published in electronic and printed form;
- the author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the information, facts and statistics in the article and the thesis, for spelling and sign errors (editorial aspects of the text);
- the organizing committee of the conference has the right to select the submitted materials, articles that do not meet the requirements will not be considered by the organizing committee and will not be included in the collection.
Articles are available in Uzbek, Russian and English.
Conference materials are accepted in electronic form until April 30, 2025.
The conference will be held: May 16-17, 2025
It is possible to participate in the conference directly and remotely.
The conference proceedings will be published at the authors' expense (publication cost is 25,000 sum per page). Payment is made in cash and by bank transfer. Payments are accepted by the following bank card: 9860 0101 2040 7761 (Erkaeva Barno Abdurakhimovna).
The electronic collection will be sent free of charge to those who participate online.
Responsible for the conference: Karshi State University, Department of Tourism and Marketing
Address: 180119, Karshi c., Kuchabog Street, 17, Karshi State University.
Contact the Organizing Committee: +998906088219 (Raimova M.D.)
Articles can be sent to the following email addresses: or Information about the conference can be found on the website