Language and Education in the Age of Globalization: Theory and Practice

March 3, 2025




In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 27, 2024 No. 490 "On approval of plans of scientific and scientific-technical events of international and republican scale for 2025," on October 21-23, 2025, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics will hold an international scientific-practical conference on "Language and education in the era of globalization: theory and practice."

The scientific and practical conference focuses on:

1. Theoretical issues of Uzbek linguistics and linguistics.

2. Problems of applied linguistics and linguodidactics

3. Intercultural communication and development of the Uzbek language;

4. Issues of teaching the Uzbek language abroad and aspects of international cooperation;

5. The history of language and the study of Turkic languages

6. Prospective problems of Uzbek lexicography

Working languages of the conference: Uzbek, Turkish, Russian, English.

Requirements for drawing up articles:

- the text of the article must be edited and printed on A4 paper with the name of the corresponding section, with an interval of 1.5 between the lines, with fields: upper and lower - 2.5 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm; articles are accepted in paper and electronic versions;

- the text of the article should not contain page numbering, the electronic version should be prepared in the Microsoft Word editor in Times New Roman font size 12 points;

- the title of the article is written in capital letters, a line is left in which the name, patronymic of the author, the name of the organization are indicated, the list of used literature is given at the end of the text, the authors are personally responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the facts indicated in the article;

The name of the file should contain the name of the organization and the name of the author (for example, if the author is from Karshi State University - "KarGU A. Rustamov").

- annotation and keywords must be written in uzbek, russian, english.

The scientific collection of the conference materials is posted on the university's website and sent to the authors of the articles.

Materials are accepted until July 1, 2024.

The conference will be held on October 21-23, 2022. Participation in the conference is possible both directly and remotely.

The conference materials are published at the author's expense (each page costs 200,000 soums). Payment is made in cash and non-cash form. Accepted by phone: 8600 1404 9500 3072 (Norov Ihtiyor Kamolitdin ugli).

The electronic kit will be sent to remote participants free of charge.


180183, Karshi city, Kuchabog street, 17. Qarshi State University.

Organization of the conference: N.E. Yuldasheva. Phone: +998916387523.

Articles can be sent by e-mail: or

Information about the event can be found on the website